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AKB - Andrea Kozul Bini s.r.l. is a company specialized in graphic design, website creation and software development. Born as a communication company taking care of graphic and web projects for its customers, it then specialized in the creation of websites using the most common CMS on the market. Our continuous and massive use of open source platforms, especially of Joomla and even earlier Mambo, in addition to a decade of experience in the world of CMS, has led us to create a branch of the company dedicated to the development of templates, modules, components, plugins and apps  that was initially reserved exclusively to the internal use of the company.


Over the years we have focused on adapting and re-elaborating the extensions on the market to the benefit of our customers, modifying them more and more to make them more versatile in their use, until the moment when we started to create new ones. After over 15 years of experience with Joomla, Wordpress, and other CMS, we have decided to transform our applications into commercial products, thus entering the market of extensions. The first step we are about to make is directed towards Joomla, even if we have many other projects under construction.


Our headquarters are in the hills of the Tuscan Apennines, near Florence (Italy).


AKB - Andrea Kozul Bini S.r.l.c.r.
Loc. Case Bezzi 30 - 51020
Sambuca Pistoiese 30 - Pistoia
P.I. (Vat N-) IT01791770470

Give life to your website with Joomla! Start today!

Explore the exciting potential of Junostar XP and the extensions produced by us or our partners! Discover how to create responsive and professional websites easily and quickly!